Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Billy Powell & Gene Odom

I remember at one particular concert, I kept seeing a commotion
out in the crowd. It moved around to the side of the stage and then
disappeared behind the left of the stage. Within minutes of this, some
guy came running right behind the stage without a shirt on. A couple
of security guards came after him so the guy ran underneath the stage
and tried to come on the stage right in front of Ronnie. I ran over to
catch him, but he stabbed me in the left elbow with a knife. I kicked
him and knocked him about eight feet into the crowd. The security
guards got him then.
The band was finished playing by the time things were back to normal,
so I went with them back to the dressing room. The moment we
got inside, Billy Powell screamed out, "Don't you think you were a little
rough?" I started laughing and said, "Not rough enough. He wasn't
in my presence long enough." Billy was really mad then and screamed,
"I don't like what you did to that guy." When he said this, I got mad too.
About this time, Ronnie noticed the blood running out the sleeve of